The Purpose of this document is to explain the contents of the ACA report. Included in this document will be explanations of various metrics and the logic for calculating them.
Specified Month
a. This is the month that the report was executed against
b. It becomes the starting month with the prior 11 months included in the calculations
1. Full-Time Employees
a. Hourly Employees
i. Works at least 120 days in the 12 month period
ii. Averages at least 130 hours per month during the 12 month period
iii. For the FTE Totals report, this will be determined on a month basis. To qualify as full-time, the employee will need to work at least 130 hours in that month.
b. Salaried Employees
i. Works at least 30 hours per week
1. Will specify hours per week on the employee
2. Or the employee will be clocking in/out
2. Part-Time Employees
a. Hourly Employees
i. Works at least 120 days or more during the 12 month period
ii. Averages less than 30 hours per week
iii. For the FTE totals report, this will be determined on a month basis. To qualify as part-time, the employee will need to work less than 130 hours in that month.
b. Salaried Employees
i. Employees that work less than 30 hours per week
1. Will specify on the employee
2. Or the employee will be clocking in.out
ii. For the FTE Totals report, these employees will count as such:
1. Determine the whole number of weeks in the month
2. Multiply the number of whole weeks times the hours per week on the employee.
3. That value will count towards the full-time equivalence.
3. Seasonal Employees
a. Employees that work less than 120 days during the 12 month period
b. The number of hours does not factor into this determination
c. Salaried employees cannot be seasonal workers
4. Full-Time Equivalent Employees
a. Equivalent employees are a calculated total comprised of the Part-Time and seasonal employees
b. Calculated per month
c. Average of part-time hours and seasonal hours rounded down to the nearest integer
Reporting Process
The reporting process is always relative to a specific month (the starting month) and will include data from the 11 months prior to the specified month. the data analysis will look like this:
1. Determine the number of Full-Time Employees
2. Determine the number of Seasonal Employees
3. Determine the number of Part-Time Employees
4. For each Month:
a. Total Number of Qualifying Employees
i. Total the number of Full-Time employees, determined per month
ii. Determine the total number of Full0Time Equivalent employees
iii. Sum FT employees + FT equivalents
b. Per Employee
i. Total number of hours worked per month
c. Determine total days worked for each employee
i. Hourly employees
1. At lease one punch or non-work time on given date
ii. Salaried employees
1. Full-Time Employees
a. Always show NA
2. Part-Time Employees
a. Determine the number whole weeks in the month and multiply that by the "Expected Hours Per Week" Metric.
5. Calculate the look backs
a. Start from the starting month and count backwards
b. Look back 3/6/9/12 months
c. Average the total hours worked per month per employee for the number of months above.
Hire Dates
If the hire date for an employee falls within the 12-month window of this report, this can affect their status based on the calculations (Full-Time versus Part-Time versus Seasonal). To prevent skewing the data, the user can specify in the Employee setup via the Type Of Employee field whether the employee should be Full-Time, Part-Time, or Seasonal. The following logic will be used to classify the employees in this case:
1. Hire date is within 4 months of the Specified Month
a. If the employee is set to Full-Time, Part-Time or Seasonal:
i. Use this value to classify the employees
b. If the employee is set to Regular, Temporary or Contract:
i. Calculate the status based on existing logic
ii. Flag these employees in the report with a "?" indicating that the state of the employee is likely incorrect.
2. Hire date is outside 4 months
a. Ignore the setting configured on the employee and rely on the calculation logic to classify the employees
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