Connecting a 5000E Plus as a secondary slave clock requires a LTR-512 Series Master programmed to support 2-wire 59th minute impulse correction and PS8-24 24VDC Power Supply. To connect the unit as a Secondary/Slave Clock:
- Install the 30-Volt Plug-In Relay Board(Discontinued).
- Disconnect the 5000E Plus from the AC Power Outlet.
- Install the LTR-512 Series Master and 5000E Plus in desired locations.
- Connect the wires between the Master and the PS8-24 24VDC Power Supply according the Master's Installation Guide.
- Insert wires into two left terminals for the Master.
- Insert the "+" signal cable into the AB connection on the Plug-In Relay Board. See the 5000E Plus user guide for diagrams.
- Insert the "-" signal cable into the PC connection on the Plug-In Relay Board.
- Use the Screw Down Connectors to fasten the wires to the Plug-In Relay Board.
- Program the 5000E Plus as a Slave time recorder to receive the correction from the Master.
When completed, the unit will receive correction signals from the Master
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