PayClock Version 6 has several standard payroll export interfaces to accommodate the most commonly used payroll and accounting software systems. Some of the interfaces export hours to a file to import into the payroll software. Other interfaces transfers employee hours directly into the payroll software. The standard payroll interfaces are:
1 As of 2014 Simply Accounting has changed their name to Sage-50 Canada. This software is currently not supported by Payclock.
PayClock Version 6 also has an ASCII Payroll export that be configured to export payroll data to a file as an excel document or delimited by comma, tab or a custom character. Custom exports for payroll software packages not listed are no longer available as of December 2015. PayClock Online will be required if you need a custom export for your system. Contact Lathem Customer Service at 404-691-1064 for more information.
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