Support for all desktop software was discontinued in January 2018. This support article is still available for reference, but we are unable to provide live telephone support or online ticket support. This also includes downloads, unlock codes, and password resets. You can upgrade to PayClock Online and migrate all of your data in just minutes. PayClock Online is our current version which includes live telephone support. To learn more about upgrading to PayClock Online click here. |
In Payclock, under Payclass, you can set rounding rules for all registrations. Click here to understand the default rounding rules Payclock offers. When you utilize the Payclass Break settings with a minimum break amount, the starting point of the rounding rule is different than the normal rounding intervals. For example:
- If you set your Payclass to 1/4 hr with a 5 minute break point rounding, and you do not have a Payclass break setting, the rounding intervals will be every fifteen minutes starting from zero. For example: 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45.
- A punch then will round to the closest interval utilizing the breakpoint to figure when it will round forward. So a punch OUT for lunch at 12:28pm will round to 12:30pm and punch back IN from lunch at 1:04 will round to 1:00pm.
- If you have a minimum break amount set under the Payclass settings, under the break tab, then the rounding interval actually starts not at the 1/4 hour but from when the OUT punch for the break is. For example, 12:28pm will be the starting interval and the next two intervals will be 12:43pm and 12:58pm.
- This means the OUT punch of 1:04 will be between rounding intervals 12:58pm and 1:13pm. Utilizing the break point of 5 minutes we know that any punch between 12:58pm and 1:02pm will round back to 12:58pm. Any punch at the break point and later, from 1:03pm to 1:13pm will round to 1:13pm. This means the OUT punch of 1:04pm will round to 1:13pm.
When utilizing a minimum break amount under the Payclass break settings, the OUT punch for lunch will be the starting point for the rounding intervals. Without a minimum break amount the rounding intervals will default to the regular points discussed in the link above. For further assistance please contact our Technical Support Department at 404-691-1064.
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