If you have a Lathem PC600 using PayClock Online and it has stopped reading badges, please use the steps below:
1. Unplug the clock from the power for 30 seconds, and plug it back in. Test to see if the clock can now read badges.
2. Verify your time clock is on the Lastest firmware, to check for the latest firmware:
- Press the Admin button to access the Administrator mode.
- Press Enter PIN.
- Enter the administrator PIN number. The Default PIN is 9 9 9 9 9.
- Press Enter.
- Press Device Information.
- Make note of the Version number in the lower right of the display. The format should be similar to
- Press the Check for Updates button to start the update process. Be patient this may take a few minutes.
- Press Yes if a window asking Would you like to install it now? is displayed.
- Press the Start button when completed.
If you are still experiencing issues with your PC600 badge reader, please contact support at 404-691-1064
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